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Upcoming Batches And Workshop
Title Image Credit : ninjascholarskills
Course Duration : 3 Months
Java Course
Java Tutorial
Mode : Offline
Days : Monday-Saturday
Batch Timing : Morning (7:00 to 8 :00 AM, 8:00 to 9 :00 AM )
Additional : Project + Printed Notes - Basics of Java
- Java - What, Where and Why?
- History and Features of Java
- Internals of Java Program
- Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
- Internal Details of JVM
- Variable and Data Type
- Naming Convention
- OOPS Conecpts
- Advantage of OOPs
- Object and Class
- Method Overloading
- Constructor
- static variable, method and block
- this keyword
- Inheritance (IS-A)
- Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
- Method Overriding
- Covariant Return Type
- super keyword
- Instance Initializer block
- final keyword
- Runtime Polymorphism
- static and Dynamic binding
- Abstract class and Interface
- Downcasting with instanceof operator
- Package and Access Modifiers
- Encapsulation
- Object class
- Object Cloning
- Java Array
- Call By Value and Call By Reference
- String Handling
- String : What and Why?
- Immutable String
- String Comparison
- String Concatenation
- Substring
- Methods of String class
- StringBuffer class
- StringBuilder class
- Creating Immutable class
- toString method
- StringTokenizer class
- Exception Handling
- Exception Handling : What and Why?
- try and catch block
- Multiple catch block
- Nested try
- finally block
- throw keyword
- Exception Propagation
- throws keyword
- Exception Handling with Method Overriding
- Custom Exception
- Nested Classes
- Nested Class : What and Why?
- Member Inner class
- Annonymous Inner class
- Local Inner class
- static nested class
- Nested Interface
- Serialization
- Serialization & Deserialization
- Serialization with IS-A and Has-A
- transient keyword
- Multithreading
- Multithreading : What and Why?
- Life Cycle of a Thread
- Creating Thread
- Thread Schedular
- Sleeping a thread
- Joining a thread
- Thread Priority
- Daemon Thread
- Thread Pooling
- Thread Group
- ShutdownHook
- Performing multiple task by multiple thread
- Garbage Collection
- Runnable class
- Synchronization
- Synchronization : What and Why?
- synchronized method
- synchronized block
- static synchronization
- Deadlock
- Inter-thread Communication
- Interrupting Thread
- Input and output
- FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
- ByteArrayOutputStream
- SequenceInputStream
- BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
- FileWriter & FileReader
- CharArrayWriter
- Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
- Input from keyboard by Console
- Input from keyboard by Scanner
- PrintStream class
- PrintWriter class
- Compressing and Uncompressing File
- Reading and Writing data simultaneously
- DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
- StreamTokenizer class
- Networking
- Socket Programming
- URL class
- Displaying data of a web page
- InetAddress class
- DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
- Two way communication
- JDBC Drivers
- Steps to connect to the database
- Connectivity with Oracle
- Connectivity with MySQL
- Connectivity with Access without DSN
- DriverManager
- Connection interface
- Statement interface
- ResultSet interface
- PreparedStatement
- ResultSetMetaData
- DatabaseMetaData
- Storing image
- Retrieving image
- Storing file
- Retrieving file
- Stored procedures and functions
- Transaction Management
- Batch Processing
- JDBC New Features
- Mini Project
Course Details: